This message is truly offensive. To degrade a persons
accomplishments because of the class they choose to run in is abhorent.
Would you just as willingly attack FS or ESP or CP?
And to degrade the Ladies class competition as being "powder puff"
is ignorant. Take ESL for example. If you didn't happen to see ESL run, it
was a battle between 2 serious competitors (Sara Meissner and Denise
Cashmore) and was one of the best fought battles of the week. The trophies
they received are just as hard fought and deserved as any open class
And as for the STS PAX index being a joke, did you happen to look at
the results from Nationals? Brian Priebe, an "A-list" driver ran much slower
than the index. Slower than HS. STS performance is very course dependant,
and the 2 nationals courses provided one favorable (South, street tires not
that much of a factor) and one unfavorable course for STS.
So instead of attacking classes where you choose not to run, maybe
you should expend you efforts in a manner that would be of benefit the
classes you do run.
John Moore
1991 Nissan Sentra SE-R (STS)
1993 Toyota MR2 NA (CS) For Sale!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karen Kraus []
> Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 5:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: powder puff classes
> Mike B. wrote :
> > "Powder Puff"???????? Ladies let the flame war begin.
> Actually, I totally agree that the ladies classes are "powder puff."
> That's why
> I run open class.... and for those who may be wondering about my L1
> exploits in
> Harrisburg, Wendover and the ProSolo Finale, let's just say there was a
> *very*
> specific reason for that, and that it was related to the fact that I
> believe the
> ladies classes are "powder puff." I'll sum it up with one question -- do
> you think I
> could have driven fast enough to win STS open at the Finale had I *not*
> been running
> open class for the last three years? Ignore the fact that the STS index is
> a
> complete and total joke. I don't think I would have made the kind of
> improvements in
> my driving that I've made over the last three years had I been languishing
> in the
> ladies class. And you know what? I don't care whether other female drivers
> agree
> with me or not, especially after how I was treated by most of L1 and some
> of the
> things that were out right *said* to me at the Finale.
> Some people wonder why the ProSolo isn't treated as "pro" as even
> ProRally....
> well, I believe that part of it is that the Solo community still obviously
> believes
> that women can't be as fast as men, despite the accomplishments of Shauna
> Marinus,
> Lynne Rothney-Kozlak, Teresa Neidel and others.
> Karen Kraus
> 1996 Camaro Z28 1LE (FS34) -- !ABS
> no, I'm *not* buying a Subaru!! :)
> --
> "You never get away, you only get someplace else."
> -- Lovka's Dilemma
> "No matter what they're telling you, they're not telling you the whole
> truth."
> -- Todd's Principle
> "The best view of your soul is from beyond the edge, looking back."
> -- No Fear