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Re: sorry, but ZO6 Vett again - sorry is right :-)

To: "Jim Rohn" <>, <>
Subject: Re: sorry, but ZO6 Vett again - sorry is right :-)
From: "Bruce Wentzel" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 12:47:51 -0400
> the Z06 is a 2001 year model. 2001 year models in 2000
competition (at least until Nationals) are NOT allowed to
participate (unless already classed - this refers to mid year
introductions, NOT a "normal" new year introduction, which the
Z06 is). This is known as the "Rupp Rule" A rule brought about
when a certain Pontiac dealer used to show up in September with
fresh NEW models of the next year's vintage, avail only to the
dealer that early in the year. since these were NEW models of
unproven performance potential, they were deemed (appropriately
enough) NOT to be legal for STOCK class participation. The
exception to this rule is an "early" introduction of the next
years model, much like the 1991 Camaro/Firebird was introduced in
February 1990. They were then classed per the SEB and allowed to
run at Nationals in 1990, even though they were a 1991 model year
> Jim Rohn
> Beater Racing
So it's legal in SP? I didn't think so.  I better RTFRB again.

Bruce Wentzel Green Dot Racing, Inc. Road Race & Solo II rentals
BSP 71 Corvette LS6 - the original Greendot; ITA and ITS RX-7's
Speedbleeders, $5.20, Super Siphon $8.95, credit cards now
accepted at

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