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Re: AWD cars at ProSolos

Subject: Re: AWD cars at ProSolos
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:52:52 PDT
"Steven N. Burkett" <> wrote:
>As a point of debate, I would argue that 4WD isn't an unfair advantage at 
>all, even in ProSolo.  Someone (I believe it was
>you) mentioned 2.0 second 60' times on street tires.  My
>experience is that a good drag launch should net you right
>around 2.0 on almost any sporty street car, whether
>front, rear or all wheel drive.

There is a difference between ProSolo launches and
drag launches.  At a drag strip, you're usually
leaving from a grippy patch of perfectly level concrete.
At a ProSolo, the starting line is usually far from
level, and is the same surface as the rest of the
course.  At Petersburg this past weekend, the F-Stockers
had to roll out of the lights slowly.  They couldn't
put the power down.  I didn't see any AWD cars spinning
tires at the launch, although I will confess to spinning
all four trying to power out of the pivots too early
a couple of times.

>Off the subject, but, after my first Pro (but many, many drag races), I can 
>say that practicing at the drag strip will
>definitely help your reaction time, but not necessarily your
>60'.  At least at our local strip, I get *more* traction with
>my street tires on their sticky track than I did at Peru on my Hoosiers.

See the above.  Also, it bears mentioning to the ProSolo
rookies that the ProSolo tree isn't exactly the same as the
drag strip tree.  ProSolo's red light is triggered by
obstructing a beam that's 16" in front of the stage beam
when the green light comes on.  If I'm not mistaken, the drag
tree's red light is triggered by the stage beam being
unobstructed when the green light comes on.

Now, to put my $0.02 into the AWD versus 2WD debate,
let me just say that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
The paintless wonder fell just 0.185 seconds of making
it an AWD trophy sweep in GS at Petersburg.  Not bad for
a former FWD driver with a ProSolo Hall of Shame record
7 straight GS DFL's going into Petersburg.....

-Arthur ("It's not a car, it's my personal submarine" edition.)


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