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Re: AWD cars at ProSolos

Subject: Re: AWD cars at ProSolos
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 20:02:00 EDT
We had this last year with the Pro-only class structure and it failed to 
ignite.  This year we shifted to using the Solo2 class structure and have 
been having record turnouts.  Somehow I think the complaint will fall on deaf 
ears...not to mention that the AWD vehicle mentioned is tuned to a tee, has 
top level drivers, is on Hoosier tires, and has some negatives to overcome 
like weight.  Yeah, it will get off the start line quicker, but there are 
other GS vehicles that should get back to the finish line quicker.  The fact 
that they're not can't be blamed on the AWD vehicle.

Stock has always been about choosing a vehicle capable of winning the class 
and then driving it there.  If anyone is convinced that having the AWD 
vehicles is what it takes to win GS then I suggest moving to one immediately. 
 However, don't be surprised if you find out that winning is easier said than 

M Sipe

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