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Re: AWD cars at ProSolos

To: Jason Saini <>
Subject: Re: AWD cars at ProSolos
From: JonesMB <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 12:49:29 -0500

Remember about a year ago you were talking (complaining) about the Integra
Type R (a 2WD car) and how it was out of place in GS.  Now you are saying
that "GS is home to AWD iron" and "I think that's not fair".  So the
Eclipse is out of place in GS coz it is AWD?

Remember about a week ago you were talking about the mental factor.  I
think it is time to apply it to yourself.  Forget about the other cars that
you think have this feature or that feature and so are wrongly classed with
your car in GS.  Concentrate on "a little more teaking" of the car and the
driver and see where that takes you.

BTW I am also in Chicago and I also run in GS - I am the slow guy in the
Type R with all the cone marks.  See you at an SCCA or TSSCC event sometime.


At 09:26 AM 5/30/00 -0700, Jason Saini wrote:
>Ok, I am doing my first full year of ProSolo...  For those of you out
>there, I am the guy with the Green Corrado.  I have been trying to
>prove that the Corrado can be a competitive car, and I have been doing
>OK so far.  I am still learning, but I truly think the car can be there
>with a little more teaking(me and the car).  But, I think the car car
>*only* get there at National Tours, or regular SoloII events.  GS is
>home to AWD iron...  and in not-so-many words: I think that's not fair.
>At Petersburg, GS (McIver, whom I have nothing against...  he's very
>nice, and has been nothing but nice to me.  He's a great driver and a
>great competitor) BEAT the following classes...  ES, FS, DS, CS, and
>BS.  At Peru, he BEAT the follwing ES, DS and CS, while placing 4th in
>FS and 3rd in BS.  
>ProSolos are inherenly different events than SoloII.  The launch adds a
>different performance element to the list of important factors.  Things
>like handling, tire size, weight all become less important.  Why
>doesn't ProSolo have a different class structure than SoloII?  It's a
>different event, with different performance parameters.  Maybe ProSolo
>should have different classes, based on ProSolo results, while the
>SoloII classes should be based on SoloII results?
>Either that, or the AWD cars should be classes differently within the
>current structure.  Put the Eclipse, TT, A4, S4 and into their own
>class...  Combine AS & SS or BS & CS, leaving a class for the AWD cars.
> I know I sound like a typical whining car-class weenie, but I really
>don't expect any of this to happen.  I am simply trying to bring to
>light something that doesn't make sense in my mind, and that is AWD
>cars lining up next to 2WD cars at the ProSolo line.
>-Jason Saini  .  Chicago, IL
>-'93 Corrado  .  GS Sleeper

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