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Re: Clarification Post... was AWD in ProSolos

To: Jason Saini <>
Subject: Re: Clarification Post... was AWD in ProSolos
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:00:28 -0700

Jason Saini wrote:
> My point was:  ProSolo and SoloII are two different events, the
> implications being that AWD cars have a distinct advantage.  Someone
> defended, saying the best they could get was 2.0 60' times, and that
> should be only worth .3 seconds advantage.  That's .3 seconds at 60'...
> much more than that by the end of the straight.

I agree. There is a big advantage in launch ability. Yes, a car that may
be correctly classed for SoloII can be more competitive in ProSolo. A
car that may not be competitive in SoloII maybe more competitive in
ProSolo. I can't imagine anyone arguing that point, and most top drivers
at least consider that point.

I think that right now, it's just one of those known things. Classing is
based on SoloII, not ProSolo, so the Pros may be a little skewed because
of this. The real question to me is, do we want a separate set of
classes for ProSolo because of this, or do we all just recognize that
launch abilities affect some cars more than others, and deal with it.
Jason, I submit a lot of people just don't want to complicate the issue,
because it could be a nightmare, IMHO. 

Also, Pros are a smaller group of cars, running a much smaller number of
events. Is it worth creating classes just for Pros? Something was tried
last year in creating Pro only classes, and it was dropped for this
year. Who knows what we shall see next year?

Again, I think it was a worthy question. I think the urge to disagree
with someone, is a larger force than the urge to agree, so you read a
lot more posts that you felt were flames. Not a lot of people compelled
to write "yeah, what he said."

Randy Chase

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