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Re: Fw: Peru Pro (a bit long-ly overdue)

To: Dave Whitworth <>
Subject: Re: Fw: Peru Pro (a bit long-ly overdue)
From: washburn <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 22:23:54 -0500
Dave Whitworth wrote:
> Think about this a while...
> A corner worker (or driver) is less dead (or injured) because it was a PRO
> solo?

No, It's just that no one guaranteed him he would not be dead when it
was all over.;)

Read between the lines of the ever so eliquently crafted "mAs" work of
art, I think the point is that ProSolo is a different ball game, and no
one is making you typical Solo 2 type assurances.  Kinda obvious really,
looking at the the basic set up.  Frankly I'm amazed that no one has
done a head-on at the crossover between runs!
> Of course, my 20/20 hindsight vision says to change the course... the same
> vision that lets me comment on events that I was not in attendance at :)
Understood.  And your vision would certainly be correct at almost any
other type of event.  To do it on Sunday afternoon at a Pro is basically
writing off the weekend's event.  I'm learning to withold my comments if
I was not there.  Even if I think I have a pretty good bead on things,
there invariably turns out to be that "oh, I didn't know that" part of
the story that never got out.  No doubt there is here too... these are
not local volunteers that don't know how to properly space a fast and
slow car as someone else mentioned, these are pretty seasoned people
running things.  I'm not doing a whole lot of second guessing on this
one...I only hope that it results in increased awareness for the better,
and not a continued barrage of sniping for the worse.


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