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Re: Peru Pro (a bit long-ly overdue)

Subject: Re: Peru Pro (a bit long-ly overdue)
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 20:02:57 EDT
mAs awakens........

Steve, you probably mean well but you just don't understand the entire 
subject.  Since at your own admission you're an attorney I'll forgive your 
inherent nature to argue every immaterial point into the ground.  However, 
unlike in the courtroom, your audience here is not a hand-picked bunch of 
morons and clueless nitwits intended to favor your case, propped up by a 
legal system dominated by self indulgent ex-cronies.  You should at least 
know better than to make a challenge before covering all the opponent's bases.

You can't just go out Sunday AM and make changes to the course in a Pro Solo 
format.  All the previous runs are based on the original course, and unlike 
solo2, the times from Saturday and Sunday heats are not separate from each 
other.  To make a course deviation would require throwing out all previous 
times and starting over, which those of us who understand the Pro Solo event 
format realize isn't feasible.  While every crooked plaintiff attorney in 
America has a vested financial interest in brainwashing society into 
believing that everything in life is cut and dry, and easily accounted for in 
advance, some of the more intelligent and informed citizens actually know 
better.  It was a tough call with mitigating circumstances, but I believe it 
was the right call regardless of the outcome.  I'm confident that the 
occurence of events will be accounted for in any future Pro Solo events at 
this venue.  

This isn't solo2, it isn't amateur solo; it isn't "make my attorney safety 
weenie wifey feel warm and fuzzy because, even though I have this incessant 
urge to point out that we're both attorneys, we can't possibly afford to 
repair some body damage" solo; this is PRO SOLO (maybe you should consider 
hiring an attorney and divorcing her if she can't accept who you are, or who 
you want to be?).  As most on this digest know, I am very ardent regarding 
safety in a solo2 event because of the nature of the audience it attracts, 
but PRO SOLO is an apple, so don't try to compare it with an orange.  If you 
or anyone else thinks that two cars can line up side by side and race each 
other WOT down a straight and never under any possible circumstance come into 
contact with each other before ever even turning a corner then that's just 
ignorance at it's finest hour.  Just go down to the local dragstrip sometime 
and sooner or later you'll see what I mean.  I have seen bone stock cars 
smash into each other coming off the start line.

ps: I promise to lay off your profession if you promise to do the same.  It 
might be worth something in your social circle, but around here you're just 
another inexperienced, doesn't know squat rookie who's too ignorant to know 
any better.  In case my point isn't clear, the last thing PRO SOLO needs is 
for a bunch of wienerschnitzels like yourself trying to drag the big dogs (or 
a wannabe medium dog like me :-) onto their rose-colored porch.  If you or 
anyone else doesn't like it then go find your own sandbox to play in.  Nobody 
is forcing you to eat dirt in this one.  Otherwise, come on out and find out 
what a real butt-kicking is all about because you have a long way to go 
before the top of the ladder even comes into your range of vision, let alone 
your reach.  

When the day comes that we hold everyone else responsible for decisions of 
our own free will, it also becomes the day it ceases to exist.  Bet they 
didn't teach you that in law school.


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