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Re: Peru ProSolo News

Subject: Re: Peru ProSolo News
From: Karen Kraus <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 17:21:54 -0700
> In a message dated 5/21/00 7:27:37 AM EST, writes:
> << Reply-to:
>  To:    Jeff@Winchell.Com,
>  You asked about ESP and I heard last night that Bob was kicking butt along
>  with Patty doing well. >>
> I also heard that they let in 220 when they say it is a cap of 175, and they
> finished like at 7 or 7:30 pm.  It was getting dark.  Then, many people have
> cones added but no one saw them or could find them, and many have cones that
> were not called in.  I was talking to one person who turned himself in, and
> the other guy had one and knew it, but refused to say anything telling me he
> feels it is SCCA's and the workers responsibility to have caught it.

     Well, it honestly wasn't any worse time-wise than the '97 Harrisburg Pro, 
where they let in 200
and I remember running ladies class at 7PM.... just *one* of the reasons I like 
running open class,
especially at Pros, where FS always runs first! As for the cap, however, there 
is no longer a Pro cap
-- it just says that entries may be restricted due to site limitations.

     As for the cone issue.... I think I know who you are referring to. The sad 
thing is that if the
person who turned himself in is the one I'm thinking of, T&S never did anything 
about it -- I guess
that's the "reward" for honesty. The other thing is that if both of those 
people *had* had the cones
added, the class results wouldn't be that much different except the trophy 
positions would have been
switched around; ie, no one out of trophies would have benefitted.
     But to give the workers and T&S some credit, there were a LOT of cones hit 
this weekend. I was
working radio Saturday morning, and many times I couldn't call in anything 
right away because station
1 (the way-tight slalom) was calling in 1, or 2 or 3 cones. Then station 2 (the 
modified Chicago box)
had to call in cones. Fortunately, I didn't have many to call in, but the 
call-ins were so bad that
station 1's radio died partway through the afternoon!

     Just for the record -- I enjoyed the weekend. The course was difficult, 
but not impossible. It's
always fun to hang out with the F stockers, and my car is working right again! 
How could I not have
fun? Plus, my "sign" on my dashboard says, in addition to "be smooth" and "go 
fast," I should "have
fun." ;)

Karen Kraus
1996 Camaro Z28 1LE (FS34)
Rosen Autosport :
Triskelion Racing :


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