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Re: SP Proposal

To: Jay Mitchell <>
Subject: Re: SP Proposal
From: Joshua Hadler <>
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 10:52:29 -0700
Jay Mitchell wrote:
> Bingo. Claims that ASP is "dominated" by Elans are just not true.
> Of the top four finishers at Nationals in 98, there were two
> Elans, one RX7tt, and one 911. Curt was around .8 seconds off of
> the first place time, and the spread between 1st and 4th in BSP
> was pretty similar. It sure looks to me like a 911 can be
> competitive in ASP. And, if the potential is there, you shouldn't
> reward the other 911 drivers just because they haven't figured
> out how to achieve that potential.

        Or simply can't afford to develop their car to that extent. SP,
especially ASP can be a rather pricey endeavor. But that should have
absolutely no bearing on where or how a car gets classed. Curt, and
Dwight before him, have shown us that the 911 does have the potential in
ASP. It just takes the right combination of development, and driver
talent to make it work. But isn't that the case with most any car?

> > Vipers? Bring 'em on
> Even though you put in a smiley, I'd say a Viper better fits the
> "typical" BSP profile than ASP.

Can you say "Course dependency"? :-).

Joshua Hadler    '74 914 2.0 CSP/Bi - Hooligan Racing #29 - CONIVOR
                 '87 Quantum Syncro - aka stealth quattro

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