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RE: Interesting observation, GSX vs Probe

Subject: RE: Interesting observation, GSX vs Probe
From: "Fedja Jeleskovic" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 10:43:23 -0500

>Dan, your findings at speed do not surprise me.  On the test track a while
>I was also surprised to discover that the Neon I was driving could
>outpull the AWD Talon at speed.  It was obvious that the Talon is geared a
>little taller in third and/or the turbo is designed such that the power
>isn't as strong in the upper rev range but rather optimized for mid range.

C'mon guys! First Probe, now Neon??? I could buy this story about Probe, if
you have Talon in the wrong gear (like third) or some kind of engine
trouble. Stock DSMs don't like high RPMs (due to T25 turbo - T for too
small), but if you shift it around 6k we would not have such a post around.
Stock DSMs can pull high 14s at the 1/4 mile. What are the numbers for
Probe (I don't even want to mention Neons here (no offense to their owners,
but they are not drag racing cars))?

95 AWD
#34 ESP

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