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Interesting observation, GSX vs Probe

Subject: Interesting observation, GSX vs Probe
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 12:33:18 EST
Howdy all,

In coming home from an event this past sunday, I noticed something that piqued
my interest.  A competitor in GS along with myself were driving down I-65 and
we decided to 'race'.  We started somewhere around 60 mph.  I thought that 1)
my car's torque and hp advantage, 2) weight advantage (in the car was myself
and my equipment as to their 2 people + equipment) would be enough to
overpower his V6 Probe.  Well, to my amazement, he beat me!  So much for the
advantage on high-speed courses...

This is dedicated to those among us who say that the DSM cars are overdogs...

Daniel Ledford
99 Mitsu Eclipse GSX (with it's tail between it's far as drag

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