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RE: Interesting observation, GSX vs Probe

Subject: RE: Interesting observation, GSX vs Probe
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 08:17:31 -0500
>>>We started somewhere around 60 mph.  I thought that 1)
my car's torque and hp advantage, 2) weight advantage (in the car was myself
and my equipment as to their 2 people + equipment) would be enough to
overpower his V6 Probe.<<<

Dan, your findings at speed do not surprise me.  On the test track a while back,
I was also surprised to discover that the Neon I was driving could significantly
outpull the AWD Talon at speed.  It was obvious that the Talon is geared a
little taller in third and/or the turbo is designed such that the power output
isn't as strong in the upper rev range but rather optimized for mid range.


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