Sounds like you may be some real Team Laughing Stock material. Ever been
branded? Imagine the letters TLS cooked into your arm with a red hot iron!
Sounds kinda like some good, clean Saturday night Texas fun, huh?
Mike B.
Engstrom wrote:
> Patrick Washburn wrote:
> >
> >Engstrom wrote:
> >>
> >> OK, I know it's still two weeks away, but seeing as how I'm a member
> >> of the hosting region, I thought I would put this list together to stir up
> >> some interest in any of you that are still undecided on whether or not
> >> to come to the National Tour in Ft. Worth.
> >>
> >
> >> 2. More cows, less cow cars!
> >
> >
> >Don't make me come down there!
> Pat,
> if you come down here for the Tour, I'll wear a cow costume while I'm standing
> in grid!!!! I dairy you to!
> John "Yes ma'am, I need an Xtra large Holstein suit, please" Engstrom