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From: Joshua Hadler <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:27:49 -0600 wrote:
> As a GS competitor it has become clearly apparent that the Eclipse is not a GS
> car, a look at the results from Meridian and Fort Myers states that this car
> is at best a CS and at least a DS... The Eclipse/Talon AWD Turbo even at its
> current undeveloped stage is far superior to the MX6, V6 Camaro, Probe and
> Type R including the Audi A6,  why the SEB has not addressed this car during
> the time between the Nationals of 98 and the First Tour event must deal with
> the contingency politics. Apparently membership has to suffer for sponsor.. I
> am going to write the SEB I would appreciate comments

        Wow. Now that's the first I've heard of this train of thought. G-Stock 
year saw five very different cars take the top five spots, and there were
plenty of dsm cars trying for the trophy. If it really were such an overdog,
then I think we would have seen a larger percentage of the DSM cars entered
going home with top trophies. These cars have been around in G-stock for
years. It was only this year that a few people figured out how to make them
fast. Compare that with the Type R, which after only two months of being
legaly classed took home trophies from nationals. If any car con be considered
an overdog, that car can. No dissrespect to Neal or Bob, they are great
drivers both, but G-Stock last year saw a large number of very talented
drivers all taking a shot for top honors, in very different cars. And all of
them were tightly packed for the trophies. The fact that a relatively untested
and (moreover) brand new car came out with guns blazing like it did is
definately a little ominous.

        Stock classes are a "new replaces old" situation. And the newer cars, 
Audi, Acura, are taking their turn in what is still a very diverse and
competitive class. 

        What about when the Miatas started consuming C-Stock? Or the Neons in
D-Stock? That's a better overdog example than the DSM cars. But the miatas
were very popular cars, and they were (sorry, -are-) great autoxers. The
Neons, well, that's a different story ;-).

        Maybe just a little perspective here is all we need. The V-6 
Camaro-birds and
Probe/MX-6's are still competitive cars even now. They just happen to have
more competition than they have in the past.


Joshua Hadler    '74 914 2.0 CSP/Bi - Hooligan Racing #29 - CONIVOR
                 '87 Quantum Syncro - aka stealth quattro

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