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Re: Speed-bleeders stock legal?

To: Bruce Wentzel <>
Subject: Re: Speed-bleeders stock legal?
From: "Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:03:47 -0800
 Big snip to save space.

Speed bleeders are not stock, I think we all agree with that definition.
So therefore they are not legal. Now the competitor must prove they are
a convenience item.
This is why I suggested Eric get a letter from the SEB. We can argue al
we want, something I do not care to do on this subject, but wether a
concensus is reached on this format or not, doesn't mean anything. The
SEB must rule on this.

My "Guess" is they would pass on it. Why? Because of that "slippery
slope" you all seem to throw around so much. This is not meant to
antagonise anyone, but as far as I can tell the definition most used for
"slippery slope" is: I want it, it makes sense to me, if you or SEB
doesn't agree then you arguement is a slippery slope arguement.

Just my opinion.


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