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Re: Grassroots Motorsports

To: Team Thicko <>
Subject: Re: Grassroots Motorsports
From: Tony Drews <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 19:15:01 -0600
Well, I didn't join team Thicko on purpose, more like by accident.  (like in,
How'd that sticker get on the car anyway?)  But since I've started hanging
around with the Thicko gang, I really like the philosophy of the team.
Basically, it is: how much shit can we give each other without pissing them
off?  No one takes themselves too seriously, we drive hard and play hard.  The
food and entertainment are legendary.  At least it seems that way after a few
beers...  Everyone is willing to help each other.  It's kind of like an extended
family.  We're pretty dysfunctional, but have a good time.  The nick names are
kinda fun too.

- Biscuit (aka Tony Drews)

"Wm. Severin Thompson" wrote:

> To all Thickos,
> In our grand tradition of tireless self-promotion, I asked Grassroots
> Motorsports Magazine if they were interested in doing a story on Team
> Thicko. Their reply... short and to the point... "sure". (Since Victory Lane
> and Vintage Motorsport seem to be dragging their feet.)
> So, this message is to those of you that like to hear yourselves talk as
> much as I like the sound of my own voice. What has Team Thicko meant to you,
> both on and off the track. What are we doing right? Why have so many people
> embraced our philosophy? Why are you involved? (Yes... we know some of you
> only come for the food. You have been identified by your repeated trips to
> the chow line, and sudden departure upon the food's disappearance..). There
> are Thickos on multiple continents. There are Thickos in  drag racing, land
> speed record racing. This year will mark the debut of Thickos invading the
> vintage go kart racing scene.
> Give me a paragraph on why you're a member, what you race, why you're
> amused...or if you're part of the Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco and Firearms
> and have been assigned to monitor us.
> Flounder

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