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Re: Rover crank specs-reply

To: David Kernberger <dkern@napanet.net>, tjoyner <tjoyner@frontier.net>,
Subject: Re: Rover crank specs-reply
From: lark@world.std.com (Lar Kaufman)
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 17:03:49 -0400
Regrets for dropping out of sight in the middle of a (now stale) discussion
but law school has consumed me and won't spit me out until late May (I 
sincerely hope that it lets go of me then...).

More when I get a life again.

"While they endure we must note their locations, elevate our gaze above the
level of our immediate concerns, imbibe the sweet air and perfect promise: the
egg miraculous upon the ledge, the bird compact upon the egg, its generous
warmth, its enviable patience, its natural fortitude and grace." E.B. White

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