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Re: Rover crank specs-reply

To: buick-rover-v8 <buick-rover-v8@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Re: Rover crank specs-reply
From: lark@world.std.com (Lar Kaufman)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 13:05:28 -0400
It's quite easy to figure out displacement if all you do is change the
stroke.  Your current displacement is 100%.  Multiply that times the
percentage of additional stroke, and add that to your original displacement.

"While they endure we must note their locations, elevate our gaze above the
level of our immediate concerns, imbibe the sweet air and perfect promise: the
egg miraculous upon the ledge, the bird compact upon the egg, its generous
warmth, its enviable patience, its natural fortitude and grace." E.B. White

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