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References: [ +from:mrdr@buckeyeweb.com: 25 ]

Total 25 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Front Suspension - Taking things apart (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 17:34:07 -0600
Hi Sean, The ball joints and tie rod ends do not screw in, they are tapered and fit via friction. To remove, use a pickle fork. Here's a link to what it looks like; http://jcsonlinetoolshed.com/produ
/html/6pack/2004-11/msg00298.html (8,873 bytes)

2. Steering Rack (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 19:53:35 -0600
Hello everyone, I'm in the midst of re-assembling my spare steering rack. I've disassembled and cleaned everything. After I got it all back together I was checking it to see that it moved freely left
/html/6pack/2003-12/msg00013.html (7,197 bytes)

3. Steering Rack (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 18:36:37 -0600
Hi fellow listers, I have my steering rack disassembled and am awaiting some parts for the rebuild. (thanks to Randall, Dick, Brent & Ted) for answering my other questions. I was going to paint the r
/html/6pack/2003-11/msg00083.html (6,466 bytes)

4. Front suspension (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 18:45:32 -0600
Hello again everyone, I am planning to rebuild my front suspension this winter. I have been following the shock thread from a few days ago and have a related question. If I want to disassemble the su
/html/6pack/2003-11/msg00085.html (7,151 bytes)

5. Re: Front suspension (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 16:37:01 -0600
Hi everyone, Thanks so much to all who replied to me. Here is the answer I was looking for. Richard Seaton sent me this link http://www.tr6world.com/front_suspension.htm It shows the order for a comp
/html/6pack/2003-11/msg00105.html (6,691 bytes)

6. Steering Rack Rebuild (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 18:00:24 -0500
RE: Steering Rack RebuildFellow Listers, I've searched the archives and I couldn't find any mention of this, so I wanted to get the collective advice of the list. I am contemplating rebuilding my ste
/html/6pack/2003-09/msg00191.html (6,996 bytes)

7. re: accelerator shaft (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 13:33:20 -0500
Hi John, Obviously the shaft is too long to to be able to be shoved straight at the bushing from the drivers side tunnel. But by removing the kick panel and with the clutch and brake pedals moved up
/html/6pack/2003-07/msg00315.html (7,227 bytes)

8. Clutch Master Cylinder (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 13:36:54 -0500
Hi everyone, The clutch master cylinder is dripping away and the fluid is black, so I've ordered a replacement. R&R seems pretty straight forward. Do I have to bench bleed the clutch master cylinder
/html/6pack/2003-07/msg00316.html (6,950 bytes)

9. Rear Suspension (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 20:21:34 -0500
Hi fellow listers, I've just completed rebuilding the rear suspension of my TR6. I pulled, rebuilt and re-installed the differential along with new rubber diff bushings. I also put in the uprated spr
/html/6pack/2003-04/msg00610.html (7,865 bytes)

10. Re: Rear Suspension (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 20:44:44 -0500
Thanks for the tip. The trailing arm bushing are centered in the trailing arm. When I first installed one side with my home made tool, I couldn't get the bushings in that last little bit. I had thos
/html/6pack/2003-04/msg00634.html (10,126 bytes)

11. Re: Rear Suspension (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 20:59:32 -0500
Hi everyone, Here is an update on my suspension. First, thanks to Dick, Richard, Steve and Mark for all the helpful information. I went out tonight and measured the camber and toe. Drivers side cambe
/html/6pack/2003-04/msg00635.html (8,867 bytes)

12. re: Differential Rebuilt (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 10:17:44 -0600
I don't know where you are located, but I just had mine done by The Sports Car Factory here in NE Ohio. Cost me $400 which includes a used ring & pinion and new seals. Turn around time was about a m
/html/6pack/2003-03/msg00006.html (6,606 bytes)

13. Hood Release (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 20:08:32 -0600
Hi everyone - I know this is late for this thread and may have been mentioned already. The Winter 2001 6-pack magazine had a tech article on a slick little release that bolted up to the existing bonn
/html/6pack/2003-03/msg00563.html (6,998 bytes)

14. Rear Hubs (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 20:05:22 -0600
Hi everyone, I'm working toward replacing my rear springs and trailing arm bushings. As I was disassembling the first side, I has some difficulty removing the hub assembly from the car. I disconnecte
/html/6pack/2002-11/msg00068.html (7,577 bytes)

15. Re: Rear Hubs (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:24:32 -0600
Loose front stud? Does one of the diff mounting studs turn thus preventing you from removing the bolt? Could you elaborate? Thanks to Dick, Bob, Andy and Walt for the timely replies! Marty Romagni 1
/html/6pack/2002-11/msg00110.html (10,161 bytes)

16. Trailing Arm Bushing (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 10:47:36 -0600
Good Day everyone - I have a question about trailing arm bushings. I fashioned a tool like described in the 6-Tech manual to push my uprated rubber bushings into the trailing arm. All seemed to go ok
/html/6pack/2002-11/msg00294.html (6,721 bytes)

17. re: differential questions (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 17:12:20 -0600
Hi Steve - I'm in the same boat as you. I pulled my rear trailing arms for new bushings and since I'm "in the vicinity" I decided I might as well pull the diff. More work (and $$), but in my case, I
/html/6pack/2002-11/msg00553.html (7,978 bytes)

18. TRF Uprated Springs (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 19:09:50 -0500
Hi everyone, I just purchased the uprated rear springs from TRF. I have a question about ride height. I realize these springs are shorter than stock. Will that in effect lower the ride height of the
/html/6pack/2002-09/msg00559.html (7,099 bytes)

19. TR6 Handling (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 18:36:36 -0500
Hi Fellow listers, I followed the thread a couple of weeks ago where Graham Vink was discussing the handling problems he was having. That described my car perfectly. I saw some of the posts, but want
/html/6pack/2002-08/msg00168.html (8,120 bytes)

20. Frames and Connectors (score: 1)
Author: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 17:25:28 -0400
Fellow Listers: I saw this company advertising in Grassroots Motorsports - The Triumph Works (http://www.triumphworks.com/). Anyone done business with them? Their frame repair service looks interesti
/html/6pack/2001-10/msg00059.html (6,802 bytes)

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