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Frames and Connectors

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Frames and Connectors
From: "The Romagni's" <mrdr@buckeyeweb.com>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 17:25:28 -0400
Fellow Listers:

I saw this company advertising in Grassroots Motorsports - The Triumph
Works (http://www.triumphworks.com/). Anyone done business with them?
Their frame repair service looks interesting, especially the part about
leaving the body on. Plus they have kits for frame repair/rebuilding.

Also, has anyone obtained the bullet connector sleeves locally? I just
bought two front side marker lamps from TRF. When I went to install
them, I found out the DPO had removed the sleeves and spliced the wires
together in the harness.

I know I can get them from TRF, British Wiring etc. Tried some of the
local part stores and all I got were some strange looks!

Thanks in advance

Marty Romagni
1974 TR6

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