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Re: Lotus 51 radiator wanted

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Lotus 51 radiator wanted
From: "Roger Sieling" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 17:36:21 -0500
I was dealing with Buddy also. Met him at the PRI show. Trouble is, as soon as 
it got there, someone else was given the job who didn't care that pointing the 
upper neck any way but the way the original was, would hit the frame. I worked 
with them for at least a season, taking the original radiator out after a race 
and sending to SC along with the one they had made which wouldn't fit. Thank 
goodness I don't race as often as some people. Sometimes they were especially 
slow, I would have to have them ship the original back, so I could race, then 
remove and send it back so they would have the sample. I also made a alloy bung 
for a small drain, which they lost. 


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