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Re: Why go halfway? / secret stuff

To: Thom Kuby <>
Subject: Re: Why go halfway? / secret stuff
From: Mike & Jaye Rosen <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 13:37:27 -0500
Thom Kuby wrote:
 Sounds like what the vintage community needs is a unified voice
> (somehow, somewhere) that would act as a disinterested third party that
> would bring problems like this out into the open-or does all this sound too

> I dunno, I'm just as confused as everybody else on this one...I know this
> is frustrating for everybody, but I can't help but think that if people
> (like this tech inspector mentioned above) are generally allowed to
> slide... then the situation will only get worse.  The "secret handshake"
> mentality that Thompson brings up needs to be publicized, brought into the
This is what VMC was formed in theory to do but... the individual clubs 
don't want to give-up any of their 'authority' and that's where so many of 
the issues we've all been tossing around the past months stem from.
Club x allows this, club y allows that and everyone gets pissed off calling 
this group a bunch of conservative s.o.b.s and that a bunch of nouveau 
vintage racers who just don't get it.
Maybe we need to push a little harder to get some standardization

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