Wm. Severin Thompson writes:
>> What pisses me off more than anything is the behind the scenes secret
>> handshake mentality in vintage racing today.
Roger Garnett writes:
>A friend had a complaint about water squirting from the car in front of him
>during a race... Looking at the car afterward, there was a tube,
(snippage, for brevity)
>(I do have a
>somewhat legible photo, in case anyone else has other ideas.)
>Well, like I said, he was going to file a complaint, until he found out that
>the car belonged to the chief tech inspector. That put a stopper in the works,
>and it was already late on Sunday, so he passed. Thinking back, this may have
>been brought to the attention of the clerk of the course, but it's a tough
guys...what is so tough about (what appears to be) blatant bullshit such as
this? call this guy on the carpet...or have we all forgotten Richard Nixon
I have been following this arcane thread with interest...RX7 motors in
lotus 7s, Winston cup cars, lessee, what else? oh "big motors" that don't
belong. Sounds like what the vintage community needs is a unified voice
(somehow, somewhere) that would act as a disinterested third party that
would bring problems like this out into the open-or does all this sound too
much like the well known "SCCA adversity" that we're all trying to avoid?
maybe so.
I dunno, I'm just as confused as everybody else on this one...I know this
is frustrating for everybody, but I can't help but think that if people
(like this tech inspector mentioned above) are generally allowed to
slide... then the situation will only get worse. The "secret handshake"
mentality that Thompson brings up needs to be publicized, brought into the
open... perhaps some examples could be made, without making a witch hunt
out of it-nobody needs that.
Somethings gotta give-or vintage racing will turn into a giant, expensive
farce...like Major League Baseball.
Just some thoughts folks...
Thom Kuby
Vintage Porsche 912