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RE: Money Matters

Subject: RE: Money Matters
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 11:24:51 -0700
Cc: <>
> What's it to him?  You're paying cash, right?   (A cashier's cheque is the
> same as cash)

I thought we had been over this ... a cashier's check is the same as cash,
in the sense that it can be forged and if you try to pass a forgery (by
depositing it in your bank account), then the bank will come after you for

There have been several cases documented where the bank initially said the
check was good, even cleared the funds into the account, and then later
discovered the forgery and confiscated the funds.  ISTR it was reported on
this list where someone of a suspicious nature, arranged things such that
the bank could not confiscate the funds back out of his account, and was
very nearly arrested for bank fraud.


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