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Re: * Power Survey *

Subject: Re: * Power Survey *
From: "john matthews" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 15:11:55 -0700 FILETIME=[E67281C0:01C47038]
>I would appreciate your feedback on the following - please pick the
>you like best!
>I'm looking for around a RELIABLE 200HP (not rear wheel) but will take
>So which engine :
>1) Do nothing - stay stock
>2) Hop up the TR engine with Weber's, ported head etc.

Hi Wayne,

I would opt for 1 or 2. The original engine provides a fairly powerful, 
fairly well balanced car. For the money it will cost to engineer and build a 
one-off super TR 3 you could buy a Cobra kit or a used Corvette. The joy in 
driving a TR doesn't come from sheer power, enjoy the car for what it is. Of 
course if you really need 200hp the V8 conversion is probably simplest, but 
don't forget to upgrade the driveline, brakes, and frame as they weren't 
originally designed for such loads.


John Matthews
'61 Herald
'63 TR 4

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