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RE: TR3A Antenna Placement Options

To: <>, <> FILETIME=[F208BD60:01C42C63] i3RETNRS020968
Subject: RE: TR3A Antenna Placement Options
From: "Musson, Carl" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 10:28:44 -0400
Thread-index: AcQsYpq9rknMGsfPRGazjhB+3yXx+AAAB3Aw
Thread-topic: TR3A Antenna Placement Options
One thing to consider - if you use a car cover, you will need to make
adjustments because of an antenna.  If you place a grommet or something
in the cover where the antenna is, one of two things might happen.
1) the grommet will mess up the finish if it comes in contact with the
2) the movement of the cover could cause it to tear where the grommet is

In my case both happened over time.

I saw an antenna placed under the car on the passengers side below the
rocker panel (aligned front to back).  Don't know if the reception was
any good, but it would alleviate the above.

Fender placement was usually at the apex of the fender above the wheel.
I have also seen antennas above and slightly forward of the rear wheel
(at the high point of the rear wing) and on the rear scuttle.  I
personally don't care for the looks of those two spots but they are

Carl Musson
'61 TR3A

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