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Re: I Love San Diego

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: I Love San Diego
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 13:05:59 -0700
References: <>
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Glad to hear that so many are happy where they are.  94 degrees in 
Tucson today... extrapolate that out and we should see highs in the 130s 
by July.  Let me also mention the sand, radiation, rattlesnakes, 
scorpions, jumping cactus and lack of water.

I love it when I get in the TR3 and the temp gauge for the 'cold' engine 
reads 110, or I'm driving by a time/temperature sign that says 1:15 and 
I don't know whether that's degrees or o'clock.

Good that we don't all like the same place or the world would seem even 
more crowded.

Geo Hahn

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