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RE: Virus with a Triumph Digest Heading???

To: <>
Subject: RE: Virus with a Triumph Digest Heading???
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 17:27:13 -0400
> You can't actually catch a virus from the list, because the list does not
> allow for attachments, and without them there's no where for the virus to
> live.

That is exactly right.

However, since some viruses grab existing messages to add themselves to, and
fake their return address, it is possible to get a message that APPEARS to
come from the list and does contain a virus.

I've also seen one case where a small portion of a virus was allowed through
as gobbledegook text, which a virus scanner program did pick up as being a
virus.  However, it was "dead" in the sense there was no way to become
infected from it.


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