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RE: TR3A rear springs

To: "Triumph Mailing List" <>
Subject: RE: TR3A rear springs
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 17:27:11 -0400
> Does anyone know how to tell which spring goes on which side of the car?
> Mine were off when I received the frame back from being blasted &
> painted.  According to the factory parts list, the passenger side and
> driver side are not the same part number, but the springs are not
> marked.

If you have the unique springs (not all cars did, don't recall the supposed
change point offhand), then the passenger side spring will have a short
extra section of leaf, where the axle bolts to it.  Since the axle goes over
the spring, the extra section will lower the passenger side by perhaps 1/4",
making the car more nearly level with only a driver.


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