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Sizing Thrust Washers

To: "6 Pack List (E-mail)" <>, "Triumph Mailing List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Sizing Thrust Washers
From: Hugh Fader <>
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 13:27:07 -0500
I just measured the crankshaft endplay on my TR6 at .008" with standard
thrust washers. Bentley says .006" to .008". Haynes says .004" to .008". I
have a set of .005" oversize washers. If I use one of these and one
standard, I'll be at .003" endplay. One of the catlogs lists a .0025"
oversize washer, but says no longer available. This would be ideal.

So, should I go right on the edge of in spec with the standard washers or go
.001 below the Haynes spec with the oversize?

- Hugh

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