In a message dated 11/7/01 7:24:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< Does anyone have a workable substance/gadget/mean cat/etc...that would
keep critters (mice, bigger mice, etc.) away from these fine machines... >>
Ditto on the moth balls. I put a full box around each car, as well as one
serving of decon at each corner. I replace the decon about once a month
This has been working fairly well. But there was that first ride in the
spring, with the wife, when the little mouse ran out of the air vent, across
the dash then out on to the hood and windshield. My wife was screeching and I
was gunning the car trying to ditch the mouse. I blew that bugger off at 55.
Isn't that what British Sports Cars are supposed to be all about.
David Oliner
60 Bugeye
67 TR 4A
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