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Re: Triumph contacts across the US?

To: "Mark Joslyn" <>
Subject: Re: Triumph contacts across the US?
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 07:56:24 +0100
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Mark Joslyn wrote:
Scott, the VTR has produced a Glove box companion, a few years back,
someone took names a fora new versin, but I have not seen it in
Andy or others in VTR could maybe give us a word on that? I will check
the status in the Board Meeting in Colorado if no answer prior to that
time( not much help now, I guess).

At the risk of demands I swallow liquid or solid soap, if such a
publication is of a similar standard (or better) than the Resource
Book published annually by the Austin Healey Club of the USA, I think
it would be invaluable.
Pity other national club organisations don't do a similar thing around
the world. I suppose the deterrent is cost and Data Protection

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