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RE: Anti-seize on lug posts? (no LBC content)

Subject: RE: Anti-seize on lug posts? (no LBC content)
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 15:25:46 -0700
Martin Secrest wrote :
> And what holds in a lug nut is bolt torque -- the stretching of
> the stud --
> not thread stickiness.

Martin :

I beg to differ, friction is what keeps the nut from spontaneously
unscrewing itself.  Without friction in the proper places, the entire car
falls apart.  The stretching of the stud only supplies the force needed to
create the friction (and to keep the wheel on the hub <g>).

Hence my suggestion to use anti-seize on only the threads, and _not_ on
where the nut (or bolt) seats against the wheel.

BTW, lug nuts actually get quite hot, from heat conducted from the brakes
(whether or not you "have to" upgrade them).  Also, a good anti-seize will
resist moisture better than most greases, which actually decompose
(separate) in the presence of water.  Of course, you could use special
"water tolerant" grease, but ...


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