Message text written by "John Macartney"
>But fiddle with other technical aspects of the car and you are legally
>required to tell the insurer before taking the car on the road with
>its modification - and a V8 lump certainly comes into that category!
And, I suppose, adjusting the blood alcohol content of the driver also
falls into this category. ;-)
>I suspect we're coming at this subject from different directions <g>
Perhaps. And perhaps I am being too cynical. But the bottom line is that
the rates are set based on historical trends and the technoloical issues
are to determine classification. Rest assured that if high powered cars
represented a smaller proportion of the claims than do lower powered cars
the rates would be lower. And the drips would still be coming out to
verify in which category your car belonged.
So, would stuffing in a diesel power plant cause your rates to go up or
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