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Re: Left Lane Bandits

Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits
From: Dietmar Schlei <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 00:25:04 -0500
References: <>
At 12:04 PM 6/7/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>While I've read that on the Autobahn, emergency vehicles are
>dispatched with a coroner on board since they often don't
>expect to find a living driver or passenger in a high speed crash.
>Sorry, but that simply isn't the expectation when driving I-70
>through Kansas.
>*the wife and kids are fine, thanks. Ocassionally they are in the
>left lane, though. Dark green/blue Discovery SE7, please give
>it room. <g>
>Steven Newell
>Denver, CO
I would like to corrct this missinformation.  The Autobahn is considered to
be the safest road in Germany!  Strict regulations, the adherence to these,
as well as the supervision of those rules make it a rather safe road.  Each
lane has required minimum speeds, you are not allowed in a farhter left
lane if your speed is not high enough.  Cars (and trucks) are only allowed
to pass eacj other if their speed liit is about 10 kmh faster!  Lane
changes have to be indicated with the blinker!  Speed limits (yes, there
are speed lmits on some sections of the Autobahn) are strictly enforced,
and all cars in Germany have to undego every two years a very strict and
ridgid safety inspection by the much feared TUV.  If your car does not meet
the required standards it will be impounded, they check for tire wear,
brake line oxidation, brake funcrion, critical rust, licensed and approved
options, light adjustment, etc. And, for most cases, which ever vehicle you
drive, the police has a faster one (big BMW cycles or Porsches, and they
all took race car/ralley driving training.  If you don't follow the rules,
they will get you!  All these aspects make the driving on the Autobahn
rather safe and a great experience!

Which I will be doing for the next four weeks!

Dietmar Schlei
Wisconsin Northwoods

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