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Re: Left Lane Bandits

Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 10:56:02 EDT
In a message dated 6/7/01 9:52:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> > Scott A. Roberts wrote:
> > But mostly,
> > when I am running on a
> > highway, I am over 70 to about 75/80, and if I'm in
> > the left lane, I ignore
> > flashes- I'm going fast enough... 
> <snip>
> That is SO obnoxious!  You're not alone though, as
> this has become an annoying trait among many American
> drivers--they just hang out in the left hand lane so
> long as they're doing a speed THEY feel is FAST
> ENOUGH.  And they'll stay out there in that left lane
> all day because it's their God Given Right, dadburn
> it!
> Hey, if I want to make 90 or better,
> that's my business, and it's between me and the laws
> (The Highway Patrol's AND Newton's)--meanwhile, do the
> courteous thing and MOVE THE HELL OVER!
> Left Lane Bandits cause accidents.  Being one at 75
> mph is NO LESS rude, discourteous or unsafe than being


Hard to disguise the steam coming out of my ears at this one.  

First, it's not any individual motorist's job to regulate the flow of traffic 
-- we have cops and traffic engineers for that.  At the very least, please 
don't impede traffic or purposely make it more dangerous, which is the 
guaranteed direct result of hanging in the left lane going slower than other 

Second, when someone flashes their lights behind you, they don't want you to 
go faster -- they just want you to move over and let them pass, so do it!  
Just slide to the right and let them by.  If 70 is fast enough for you, 
that's great -- just don't arbitrarily impose your personal preference onto 
others.  Move over and let them by -- it's no skin off your chicken!  And 
it's the law!

In Ohio we have big signs along the Interstates that say "Slower Traffic Keep 
Right."  The rules couldn't be simpler, better or easier to follow.  Yet, 
sadly, sometimes even car and driving enthusiasts still don't pay attention...

Chris Eck
59 Bugeye
59 TR3A
93 Audi S4 TQ

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