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RE: Left Lane Bandits

To: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Subject: RE: Left Lane Bandits
From: David Massey <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 17:45:06 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
Message text written by Randall Young
>It's just (un)common courtesy, a "rule of the road"<

And that is the root issue here.  When someone impedes the progress of
others it is regarded as either being oblivious to the presence others on
the road (not sharing) or that one is behaving as though one's opinion is
of more value than those of others (arrogance).  Either one of these is
considered discourteous.  Being courteous reduces the tendency for road
rage.  It is in everyone's own best interest to let the fast drivers by and
let the law handle it.

Works well in Europe.


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