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Re: Left Lane Bandits (rant and rerant)

To: Steven Newell <>
Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits (rant and rerant)
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 14:37:08 -0700
Cc: Triumph <>
References: <> <> <> <>
Steven Newell wrote:

> That's a fair point. And I don't want to suggest that *I* hold any moral or 
>ethical high ground, since I don't drive particularly slow when it's safe to
> do so. I think most speed limits are spurious and misguided. I probably will 
>keep those thoughts to myself if I'm pulled over for speeding, though. <g>

I couldn't agree more.  In fact, here in AZ, it seems like the normal speed is 
10 miles over the speed limit (even the cops do that and hardly ever
notice others doing it).   What puzzles me is why an interstate highway's speed 
limit goes down from 75 to 55 just because it goes through a town.  It
is still an expressway.  And even worse, why does it not go back up until 10 
miles out of town.  I thing there is little thought that goes into posted

> Joe, all great points. My underlying rant is that many people seem to believe 
>that all-out fast driving in the left lane is appropriate regardless of
> conditions or context, and this simply isn't the case. Aside from a universal 
>frustration with pokey left lane hogs, most of us are probably more careful
> drivers than the average driver, not just because we're trying to protect our 
>car but because we're such great people.

Don't get me wrong.  Most of the time, I comply with the speed limit and get 
rather perturbed myself when someone whizzes past me doing 20 mph over
the posted speed.  But I just let him do it because maybe the cop up ahead will 
get him and let me go if I am only doing 10 mph over!


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