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Re: TR3A commission number

To: "Laure et Georges MERRAN" <>
Subject: Re: TR3A commission number
From: David Massey <>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 13:38:02 -0500
Cc: "David Massey" <>, "TR mailing list" <>, "Chris De Wet" <>
Message text written by "Laure et Georges MERRAN"
>You are right Dave the steering wheel is on the wrong side for France.

But with the British Isles being so close I'm sure French laws allow right
hand steering vehicles, so now you have a novelty.  Here in the states
right hand drive cars are rare but legal.  I'm told that cars imported to
Austrialia must be converted to right hand drive as left hand drive cars
are not allowed.  (I guess being an island as remote as they are they can
do that.

BTW I saw a very nice Right hand steering Astin Martin DB4 (I think) last
time I was in Paris.  Isle de St. Louis, in fact.  I have a picture.

Dave Massey
St.. Louis, MO USA
57 TR3 (LHD)
71 TR6 (LHD)
80 TR8 (LHD)

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