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Re: TR3A commission number

To: "Laure et Georges MERRAN" <>
Subject: Re: TR3A commission number
From: David Massey <>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 14:25:42 -0500
Cc: "Chris De Wet" <>, "TR mailing list" <>
Message text written by "Laure et Georges MERRAN"
>I lived 3 years in South Africa and as a "souvenir" of this beautiful
country I both 2 Triumphs TR3 A and TR4 A, that I bring back to France (my

Ah, but Georges, do they not drive in South Africa a' la droite.  And the
drivers in France, do they not drive a' la gauche?  Will the steering wheel
be on the wrong side?  

Just kidding.  Congratulations on your acquisitions and enjoy them in the
years to come.  As for Chris, well don't worry, we'll send him a car, bit
by bit.



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