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RE: TR4 or TR4A?

Subject: RE: TR4 or TR4A?
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 15:06:54 EST
There is a little plate welded to the cross member in the engine compartment 
of a TR4 - at least on mine - and it simply has a big 'C' on it - as in '3rd 
generation' TR4 frame. As far as I can tell the C frame has modified steering 
rack support brackets, rear leaf spring 'connection points' ...and not sure 
of what else..
As far as the previous question of TR4 or 4A goes, sounds like he got a TR4 
with a TR4A motor.. hope he got the improved TR4A exhaust manifold - 
'4into2into1' instead of the '4into1' - which is easy to see under the carbs.
I think they changed the hood rubber buffer seatings from 'flat' to 'conical' 
on the TR4A and on later TR4A new temp guage markings (from #s to simply 
'63 first sold in '64 TR4 since '74 - CT 22326L now with O but still under 
the bench..

>>Anyway, what I was saying is that there was a chassis number you could see 
in the engine compartment without jacking the vehicle up.  But, it turns 
out, I was wrong.  I was thinking of the Spitfire, as it has a chassis 
number on the crossmember under the front of the engine, but the TR-4 does 
not.  The other locations I mentioned (tranny, dif, etc) are correct though. 
  Unfortunately any, or all, of them could have been swapped out.

Darrell, in the High Desert of California<<

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