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Re: Clutch shaft removal

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: Re: Clutch shaft removal
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 10:56:19 -0600
References: <>
Thanks for all the replies.  Upon closer inspection I discovered the fork
was cracked in the back.  I thought it was strange that the bolt holding the
fork to the shaft was shinny and coarse thread.  It also appeared to have
been cut off to get the existing length.  I guess a DPO had the problem of a
sheared pin and cut off a normal bolt and forced it into the existing hole,
thinking it would hold the fork securely.  WRONG!  I have ordered new parts
and hopefully they will be here this week.  I thought about welding the fork
to the shaft, but I was worried about alignment.  The fork slides back and
forth on the shaft so I don't know what is correct.

Again, thanks for all the replies.  I think when I get the new fork in I'm
going to drill it for taper pin removal, and cross drill it for a bolt.
That should eliminate any future problems.

Thanks again,


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