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Server interruptions

Subject: Server interruptions
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 11:05:44 -0700 (MST)
We've been having some winter weather move in, which oddly enough
happens every year about this time.  Thursday morning several inches
of wet, heavy snow fell, and as often happens when some trees still
have leaves, many branches fell on many power lines.  Our house, the
home of the mail server, was without power for about
12 hours yesterday.  You may have noticed a reduction in mail volume
if you are on any of the more popular Team.Net lists.  Yes, I do have
a UPS on the server, but it was only able to keep the machine and the
network hardware running for about an hour and a half.

Anyway, things seem to be back to normal, the backlog of email is
flowing through, I'll just need to spend some more time wading through
the error messages and such.

On a Triumph related note, while brushing the snow off the Mark 1 before
driving in to work, I did break one of the windscreen wipers, shucks.
Still managed to make it there and back again.  I wimped out, though, and
drove the Jeep today.


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