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Re: Washers under conrod bolts?

Subject: Re: Washers under conrod bolts?
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 00:05:55 -0800
References: <>
Jim :

Don't use lockwashers.  If you do use locktabs, use new ones (which are
fairly cheap, available from the big 3) every time.

If you go with Loctite, I believe the Red (#271 high strength) is
preferred.  Should be readily available at the local parts store.


a Wallace wrote:
> I'm plugging away at my 3a engine rebuild, and keep getting delayed by
> minor parts shortages.
> So - when bolting the big ends on the conrods, do you really need those
> flat bend-the-tab-against-the-bolt-head washers? It seems like you rarely
> see those anymore - is blue loctite the modern replacement, he asks, 
> I did think of lock washers but they seem to be too thick i.e. there'd be
> less thread engaged if I go that way.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> TS81417L

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