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PDWA o-rings

To: "Rob Switzer" <>
Subject: PDWA o-rings
From: David Massey <>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 23:24:47 -0400
Cc: "Triumph List" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Rob Switzer"
>My PDWA in my 69 GT6 Plus has been leaking ever since I took it apart and
cleaned it out.  I have looked everywhere for new o-rings including the
Triumph suppliers, Home Depot and an o-ring manufacture.  Since I'm unable
to get new o-rings I'm thinking of taking out the sensor and plugging up
hole with a bolt.  Does anyone have a good reason why I should not plug up
the hole other than the fact that the warning light will not work?


The purpose of the PDWA is to warn the driver of a slow leak in one of the
braking circuits that would go unnoticed by the driver based on pedal feel
and brake performance.

Since a vast majority of the Triumph owners today are quite well tuned to
how their car is behaving and we are always analyzing the puddles left
behind.  If your braking system is good shape and you regularly check your
fluid level you will probably notice just such a failure before it becomes
life threatening.

Of course, a catastrophic failure such as a hose rupture will be first
noticed by the fact that the pedal goes to the floor and the light will not
be necessary.  And no rational person would expect a simple switch can
predict such a failure before it happens.

The chioce is yours.  You can plug it with a bolt or replace the PDWA with
another or continue to search for O-rings.  Or all the above.

Good luck


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