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RE: TR3 Rear Oil Seal

To: "'Musson, Carl'" <>, "'TR-List'" <>
Subject: RE: TR3 Rear Oil Seal
From: Dennis Lambert <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 07:58:15 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"

If you do the conversion, be sure to contact Ken Gillanders of British Frame
and Engine.  After talking with several club members and local LBC
mechanics, the consensus, (and hindsight by myself), is to go with Ken.

I bought my conversion from Moss (didn't know about BFE yet) and am
extremely sorry I did.  Let me tell you my sad story....When my conversion
kit came from Moss, it came without instructions.  After several calls to
Moss, I finally got someone in the tech dept. to give me a diameter to have
the rear scroll ground to.  They also agreed to fax me a copy of the
instruction sheet.  Shortly thereafter, upon inspection of the seal and
holder, it became apparent this seal conversion kit had been used, returned,
and resold to me.   I returned the kit to Moss and was sent a new one.  The
instruction sheet with the new kit had a different rear scroll grinding spec
than the first kit.  More calls to Moss.  I was assured that the smaller
diameter was correct.  So...I had the crank scroll ground to the smaller
spec, and installed the conversion kit. I have since been guaranteed by
those in the know that the smaller diameter scroll grind will leak.  Fast
foreword a year and a half.  The engine now has about three entire hours of
run time (the car is still on jackstands in the garage awaiting interior,
etc.).  I ran the engine about 30 minutes last night, and lo and behold,
there are a couple drops of oil on the floor at the rear seal area.
Apparently those in the know are right.  Thanks for nothing Moss! 

The leak not withstanding, it's still great to be able to turn the key,
punch the starter button, and hear the engine spring to life.  I figure I've
got about six more months till I can putt down the road in the ole TR-3A.


-----Original Message-----
From: Musson, Carl []
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 1:52 PM
To: 'TR-List'
Subject: TR3 Rear Oil Seal

Planning ahead:  What is the consensus on the replacement rear oil seal for
the TR2/3/4 engine?  They run about $130  compared to $0 or $50 - see
comment below (not counting any sales or discounts).  Is it worth the extra
cost?  Is there much modification necessary?  

Engine is out of the car and will be going through a rebuild/refurbishment -
Rear seal is not currently leaking.


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