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Re: accidents in triumphs

Subject: Re: accidents in triumphs
From: Erik Quackenbush <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 16:44:01 -0500
References: <>
>>Roll over?? with or without roll bar??  Care to share??LOL

I rolled my first TR-6. No roll bar, and when the car stopped moving it
was, um, 'inverted'. I have a photo somewhere of the car resting upside
down with its redline tires pointing up. The hood and trunk are flush with
the ground. The top was up before the accident (it was raining). I suppose
the top and the windshield frame may have absorbed some of the impact, but
they didn't stop the top of the dashboard from touching the pavement.

The brake pedal was bent at a really interesting angle.

My passenger broke an arm and we were both a little beat up, but we both
climbed out and walked away. Looking back at it now I realize how lucky I
was to reach my 20th birthday which was a few months after the accident and
many years ago. 

I actually had the car repaired after the accident- there was surprisingly
little mechanical damage. I drove it for a couple of years before selling
it to a friend who knew its history.

Now I have a roll bar and decent tires on my TR-6, and I drive my AWD
station wagon when it rains.


At 02:24 PM 6/12/00 -0500, Tom Beaver wrote:
>At 01:25 PM 06/10/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>>reading one post mentioning an accident in a 6........made me
>>think........has anyone experienced an accident in a triumph or small
>>british sports car??
>I ran my first Tiumph, a $500 TR-4 into the back of a VW Wagon in 1973(?).
>I was looking  and waving to my future brother-in-law, with my future wife
>in the passenger seat and a half gallon of vodka in the boot. Luckily the
>rust collapsed as designed and the vodka remained intact. 
>Tom Beaver
>>              Gary, Frances Nafziger
>>              Wellman, Iowa 

Erik Quackenbush, V.P. Operations, Midwest Filter Corporation 
1-847-680-0566 fax: 1-847-680-0832

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