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Re: Wood Dash repair

To: David Lee <>, triumph <>
Subject: Re: Wood Dash repair
From: "Michael Ferguson" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 09:28:37 -0500
David, there's a mailorder woodworking supply house in NY called 
Constantines.  I've never dealt with them, but I
do know they carry an extensive selection of veneers. Lots of different
woods and sizes. Catalog available. Also, a web search for "woodworking"
should lead you to any number of web sites for veneers.

If you have a bandsaw, you could cut your own. I've cut it as thin as 1/32",
a bit thick for veneer, but seems to me, the thicker it is, the less likely
it is to bubble up and crack later.

Yellow pages; try woodworking, cabinetmaking, lumber (hardwoods). You might
find a cabinetmaker who would be willing to slice it for you. I feel sure
you can find one who would be willing to do the whole job. BTW, you won't
find veneer in any of the Home Depot-type stores.

Good luck.

Michael Ferguson

>From: "David Lee" <>
>To: "triumph" <>
>Subject: Wood Dash repair
>Date: Sun, Jan 16, 2000, 2:04 AM

> Hello group!
> I took my wooden dash off of my TR4 today.  It is the teak replacement.  Its
> in pretty bad shape and needs replacing or refinishing.  I was considering
> purchasing a new one since they are on sale at Moss but $225.00 is a little
> more than Id like to shell out.  I want to either get a new one custom made
> by a woodshop or just veneer my old one.  Its still whole just dried out and
> cracking.
> I went to the local Home Depot today to check out the veneer but they told
> me they dont carry any!  Does anyone know where to get veneer?  What section
> of the yellow pages would I look under?!?!
> Also what kind of shop should I be looking for to create a new dash?  I
> looked under woodworking in the yellow pages and found one shop listed.  Any
> help is appreciated!
> Thanks
> David

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