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Re: Fuel Leak

Subject: Re: Fuel Leak
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 11:38:42 EDT
In a message dated 22-Aug-99 12:55:26 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> I have only had my TR4, my first, for 11 days.  Smelled fuel this morning.  
>  Popped hood and found that the fuel pump/filter made by "AC, made in 
>  England," was leaking.  There were 6 screws on top that were loose.  I 
>  tightened them up and the leak seems to have stopped.
>  Is this normal?  Does the fuel pump need to be replaced?

Paul, not a big problem on the fuel pump.  Sounds as if the screws just 
worked loose.  If it does not leak and the fuel is flowing freely after you 
tightened them I wouldn't worry. If it loosens again or does leak -- replace 
the daiphragm.  Also be aware that the original fuel pumps (which you might 
have) are scarce.  The repro pumps do not have a priming lever (used to fill 
the carb float bowls if they become empty). 

>  Also, the build number on the driver side of my car is CT29734LO, but 
>  is a small tag on the passenger side that says 29864CT.  Why are these 2 
>  numbers different?  Is this second tag the engine number?

The CT 29743LO is your commission number.  The L means left hand drive and 
the O means overdrive.  The 29864CT is the body number.  Based on the 
difference between the two numbers yours appears to be the original body.  
The engine number is found stamped on the block near the distributor.  It 
will be CTnnnnnE.  

See Brian Sanborn's and Malcom Walker's e-mails for other info.  (Thanks, 
guys.) Cheers.

Art Kelly '64 TR4 CT33118L (original owner)
VTR TR4 vehicle consultant

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